Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy 420 (If your still into that sort of thing)

I never really fully understood the "stoner's holiday" of 4/20. Some people say 420 was a police code for possession, or growing. Some say it was the address of some guy in Humboldt County that moved major weight. Some people literally think that April 20th (and 4:20 PM) is the best time to get high because of the allignment of the planets or some bullshit. (Then there's the somewhat creepy fact that it's also Hitler's birthday.) So whatever the real story may be, I never could figure it out. But for many years I was happy (proud, even) to partake in the rituals of the holiday: getting fucked up as much as possible on weed (and whatever other drugs was available), to the point where I couldn't remember shit.

there's lots of different reasons people smoke. Some have legitimate pain and need it for their medicine. Some can balance their smoking with the rest of their life and just be laid back. Some only do it once in a while and don't have a problem craving it. But here's what I think. If your above the age of 25, have kids, have a job of reasonable responsibility or just can't get your shit together, then you should quit. You can keep smoking but you will look like an idiot. You will look like the person who's still at the party at 5:00am witha lampshade on their head, dancing to a skipping record while everyone else is either passed out or has gone home. You'll be like an old guy who shows up at the skatepark trying to make friends with the teenagers. Or an old lady who still wears shirts that say "Flirt" and "Slut". And you won't even realize it because you'll be so detached from reality.
Sorry to sound like a Partnership For A Drug Free America Ad, but I didn't party today for the first time in like a decade. And I didn't do much today, but I can remember everything I did and I know I didn't look like a fucking stoner while I was doing it. So, go me.

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